Thursday, October 6, 2011

First stop along the way!!

Good morning, it is Thursday the 6th of October and we are hanging out in Whitsable, Kent in the UK. We are staying at my English beach house shared with Amanda, Annette and Maisie. Who genousrusly have allowed us to stay with them. Compared to a hard car floor on the side of the highway, in parking lot called Harmonie, after traveling for two days over five differant countrys, a bed was the best treat in the world!  
So the first pic that I will upload is manfred driving and yes the car is still in one piece and this is in germany where they dirve like maniacs! A drive that was supposed to take us 8 hours took us 11 hours, so yes we were diving carefully, but another big factor was the hours of traffic that was in our way!

So in Whitsable we had a great walk along the beach and Manfred got to try his first freash oyster! He like it so much that we are going to have some for lunch today, with crab cakes! Kerry has also stopped by, her little boy has the chicken-pocs so we have to keep our distance at the moment! But get well little Sulli! 

So we are going to enjoy our day at the beach hope that you all have had fun reading the blogg and we will post some more soon!

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